Monday 25 October 2010

Debenham's fine-tunes its marketing

Debenham's is the latest retailer to jump into in-store/online TV. The company has moved into multimedia in a big way, with an iPhone app, mobile marketing, YouTube-style videos related to products and services, and social media of all types (Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, YouTube, blogs).

Recent blog entries promoted the retailer's contests, fashion designers and other subjects directly related to Debenham's marketing. The store also maintains a beauty club blog (see illustration above) with seasonal tips and product announcements.

With all this marketing momentum, Debenham's profits are up and the retailer is increasing its own-label fashion range to reinforce brand differentiation and loyalty. The big yearend holiday shopping season is almost here--will Debenham's be able to leverage its various media and messages to beat the competition? The outlook is very good.