But the research is really designed to help the retailer look below the surface at underlying issues of concern to the shopper who is often the household's primary decision maker for food and everyday products. As a result, Asda receives timely insights that it may be able to apply for marketing advantage.
For example, Asda's Mumdex revealed in mid-2012 that mothers were already worried about Christmas preparations, including the cost of buying gifts and of being responsible for making the holiday a special experience. One way Asda applied this research was by having its ad agency create a special advert, 'Christmas doesn't just happen by magic', portraying all the work that mums put into holiday prep--and showing how Asda has everything they need, at the right price.
Another recent finding based on Mumdex research is that nearly half of the mothers surveyed were not optimistic about their families' economic situation for 2013. The implication for marketing is a continuing emphasis on value and budget-conscious pricing to demonstrate how the store is meeting the needs of shoppers, every day. This follows Asda's statement that 'Our mission is to be Britain's best value retailer - we set out to help save you money every day'.