Monday 22 April 2013

Earth Day 2013

Today's animated Google Doodle sets the tone for worldwide Earth Day celebrations, as you can see. The company itself has been aggressively pursuing clean energy options for years.

All day, organisations and individuals are taking steps to raise awareness about sustainability and protect our planet. For example, the UK's Woodland Trust is running a "More Trees, More Good" campaign to promote the planting of trees.

Earth Day-related phrases are trending on Twitter now, including 'Happy Earth Day' and #EarthDay. 'Tony Stark' (of the Avengers) even tweeted a comic with the caption 'If we can't protect the Earth, you can be damn well sure we'll Avenge it'. Oxfam tweeted its analysis of how big food brands are dealing with climate change.

Want to estimate your carbon footprint? The nonprofit Nature Conservancy has a free calculator for you to try.

Happy Earth Day. What are you doing to save our planet?