Monday 6 June 2011

Lenovo aims for UK growth

"Lenovo is as well-known in China as Coca-Cola is in the US", says chief executive Milko van Duijl in a recent Telegraph interview. One in three PCs purchased in China (the computer company's home market) is a Lenovo.

Trouble is, Lenovo has little brand recognition among consumers in the UK, where Lenovo aims for growth later this year, following a marketing campaign in Germany. The company is also planning for growth in the US, another large market for computer sales.

Many corporate computer users around the world know the ThinkPad name, which IBM once marketed and sold to Lenovo in 2005 when IBM left the PC business.

UK consumers, however, need more of an introduction to Lenovo. For example, Lenovo's UK Twitter account has fewer than 1,000 followers (right now, anyway). Its Facebook page has even fewer "likes."  To see recent commercials and product demos, tune in on its YouTube channel. The brand isn't new, but it's largely unfamiliar to the UK public.

A high-profile, multi-media marketing programme will be needed to give Lenovo the recognition, preference and purchases it needs to prosper in the UK.