Thursday 17 September 2009

BMA seeks ban on alcohol ads

The British Medical Association is calling for a complete ban on alcohol ads and sponsorship, in an attempt to combat binge drinking among young people.

The Guardian quotes from the BMA's report:
'The alcohol industry uses its prodigious marketing skills and massive budgets to promote positive images about alcohol, and back these up with incentives, branding, enticing new products and sophisticated public relations'.
As the Telegraph reports, the industry has voluntarily agreed not to target consumers under 18 years of age. It also quotes Professor Gerard Hastings of Sterling University as saying:
'Our young people are being thoroughly groomed in a behaviour that is extremely damaging to their health'.
The Advertising Standards Authority's studies indicate that the alcohol industry is in 99% compliance of the ad standards, concluding that
'Where the self-regulatory rules apply, advertisers are adhering to them'.
Should alcohol ads and sponsorship be banned? What other steps might be taken to address concerns about binge drinking?