Wednesday 29 August 2012

Rain, mobiles and the cloud help Domino's UK grow

Televised sports, bad weather and pizza takeaway have been a wonderful sales combination for Domino's UK.

'Instead of going out to a restaurant, people tend to order in. When the weather turns nasty we always see sales turn upwards', says the CEO.

Between the Euro football championships and two weeks of Olympic sports, Domino's has boosted its revenue and profits this year...and now the pizza delivery firm has an appetite for growth on the continent.

Today, Domino's announced its acquisition of the Swiss franchise as European consumers caught in a difficult economic situation continue to substitute takeaway for dining out.

Domino's UK is ready for expansion, putting its online ordering system into the cloud where network capacity can be adjusted to meet demand. It also offers pizza ordering apps for different mobile operating systems. Anything that makes pizza ordering more convenient is likely to help Domino's build relationships and sales, especially in bad weather.