Saturday 22 December 2012

Marketing the Wiggles: A new era begins

Do you remember the Wiggles? Twenty-one years ago, four young men from Down Under writing happy music that brought kids (of all ages) to their feet with a smile on their faces.

I saw them a few years ago during one of their world tours--the theater was sold out, of course--and everybody had a rollicking good time! I was most enchanted by Captain Feathersword and Wags the Dog, not to mention the energy of the guys in blue, red, yellow, and purple.

This month marks the retirement of the original Wiggles. (Click here to see a gallery of Wiggles history.) After entertaining youngsters on every continent, performing 7,000 shows, broadcasting a highly popular pre-school TV series in Australia, and selling 23 million DVDs and videos, the founders want time to be with their own families. Before retiring, they auctioned their famous Big Red Car for charity.

The Wiggles have made mostly smart business decisions during their career, starting with hiring pros to manage their brand, working hard to break into the big time, making succession plans to replace members as needed, trying to plan for a life outside the business and being honest with customers. The brand continues on in 2013 with new Wiggles joining the group. Watch for more shows, more merchandise, and more apps (such as the learn-your-alphabet app already available on iTunes).