Monday 8 June 2015

Greener packaging for soft drinks

Coca-Cola has been highlighting its green-tech credentials through the development of earth-friendlier packaging such as the PlantBottle. Just a few days ago, Coca-Cola displayed the latest version of the PlantBottle, which 'looks and functions just like traditional PET plastic, but has a lighter footprint on the planet and its scarce resources'.

The soft-drink company first introduced PlantBottle in 2009, and began selling beverages in it in UK markets in 2011. Now it has distributed more than 25 billion 'green' bottles worldwide, as the infographic shows.

When influential brands such as Coca-Cola commit to environmental efforts on a large scale, they not only encourage consumers to participate but also add a new point of differentiation for competitive purposes. And that's exactly what happened in this case.

Not long after Coca-Cola launched PlantBottle, which was originally made in part from plant-based material, PepsiCo announced its own 'green' beverage packaging that was 100% plant-based. This kind of competition surely benefits the planet: Coke's latest bottle is now 100% plant-based--and it is using its corporate resources to continue developing additional packaging that will biodegrade instead of lingering in landfills.