Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Boaty McBoatface has high brand awareness

Months ago, the UK polar research ship that might have been named Boaty McBoatface was, in reality, given the dignified name of the Sir David Attenborough (as shown here).

Boaty was one of a list of names that topped a popular online vote but was not chosen. The vote and final decision attracted global attention, including from branding experts.

In Sydney, Transport for New South Wales invited the public to vote for a name for its new ferry. Of course, amongst the top vote-getters (not chosen) were...

Boaty McBoatface
Ferry McFerryface

So despite Boaty not being the actual name of anything, it continues to have high brand awareness and positive emotional associations. For example, Boaty McBoatface won a fundraiser soapbox derby in Magdalen this summer. News coverage of a Teesside firm making thrusters for the new polar research ship included 'Boaty' in the headline. One eBay auction offers the opportunity to name an Eddie Stobart lorry--mentioning 'Boaty' as an example. Sorry, a lorry has already been named 'Teletubby'.

Boaty has inspired other brand monikers. An Australian race horse has been named 'Horsey McHorseface'. Google has named AI software 'Parsey McParseface'. And a pub has changed its brand to 'Pubby McPubface'.

How many brands can inspire as many copycats and chuckles as Boaty?