Tuesday 11 September 2018

The global reach of Evolve Skateboards

More than 120k Facebook users 'like' Evolve Skateboards, more than 26k Instagram users follow Evolve Skateboards and nearly 16k people subscribe to the company's YouTube channel. Those social media interactions have helped accelerate word of mouth about this fast-growing brand of electric skateboards.

The Australian-based company founded by entrepreneur Jeff Anning and his wife, Fleur Anning, has an international customer base, distribution in multiple countries and many thousands of social media-minded brand fans. Target market: young professionals who see the boards as a convenient and fun way to commute on city streets.

The company was global from its first days in business. Two years ago, when Evolve launched a new product, it attracted A$ 1 million in orders in a single day. One challenge in growing so quickly has been signing with suppliers and manufacturing facilities that meet the firm's quality and performance standards.

Today, Evolve's annual turnover exceeds A$ 15 million as consumers worldwide are introduced to the product category of electric skateboards and come to prefer the Evolve brand. Thanks to social media, Evolve can stay in close contact with its target market in many nations, well beyond the firm's base in Australia.