Tuesday 19 April 2011

Coca-Cola celebrates 125 years

Happy anniversary, Coca-Cola. The iconic soft-drink firm is celebrating with special cans designed by James Jarvis.

Plus the company has released a new "retro" anniversary advert (created by McCann ad agencies) that builds on the nostalgia, accompanied by outdoor posters and other tactics to remind loyal customers of their favourite soda's special celebration.

Coca-Cola is featuring a retrospective of its logos linked from its UK home page. The US-based soft drink made its first appearance in Great Britain in 1900, but wasn't distributed widely until 1920, when it appeared on store shelves of Selfridge's and in other selected locations. Today the bright red can is recognised and sold around the world. When you can identify a brand by a color or the shape of the letters, that's good long-term marketing.